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Daily file price update DHA Lahore & DHA Pakistan by NLRE Dated   22/11/2025    +923008424337


DHA Lahore PH- 6 CCA3 Affidavit (4 & 5 & 8 ) Marla price 150 Lac Per Marla

DHA Lahore PH- 6 CCA3 Affidavit (12 ) Marla price 150 Lac Per Marla

DHA Lahore PH- 6 CCA3 Affidavit (32 ) Marla price 175 Lac Per Marla

DHA Lahore PH-7 Sangatpura Affidavit (4 Marla)  240 Lac

DHA Lahore PH-7 Sangatpura Allocation (4 Marla) 235 Lac

DHA Lahore PH-7 Karbath Allocation (4 Marla) 220 Lac

DHA Lahore PH-9 Prism Affidavit (4 Marla) 230 Lac

DHA Lahore PH-9 Prism Affidavit (8 Marla)  550 Lac

DHA Lahore ph-10 Affidavit (4 Marla)  173.5 Lac

DHA Lahore PH-9 Town Affidavit (4 Marla) 260 Lac

DHA Lahore PH-9 Town Allocation (4 Marla) 245 Lac

DHA Lahore phase 13 Residential files Price update

phase 13 file (5 Marla)    26.50 Lac

phase 13 File (10 Marla)   39 Lac

Phase 13 file (1 kanal)     73.75 Lac

DHA Lahore phase 5 ( M Extension) files Price update 

DHA Lahore phase  5( M Ext) file 5 Marla Price    63 Lac

DHA Lahore phase 5  (M ext) File 10 Marla price 135 Lac

1 kanal File phase 5 ( M Ext) DHA Lahore Price   225 Lac

DHA Lahore phase 7 Residential files price update 

DHA Lahore Affidavit File ( 5 Marla)  price 41.50 Lac

DHA Lahore Allocation file (5 Marla) Price 39 Lac

7 Marla Allocation file phase 7 DHA Lahore price 53 Lac

10 Marla Allocation file phase 7 DHA Lahore  105 Lac

DHA Lahore Affidavit File phase 7 ( 10Marla) price  0.00 confirmation at call

1 kanal Allocation file phase 7 DHA Lahore price   180 Lac

DHA Lahore phase 9 Town file Price update

DHA Lahore phase 9 Town (5 Marla) Affidavit file price 57.50 Lac

DHA Lahore phase 9 Town (5 Marla) Allocation file Price 52.75 Lac

10 Marla phase 9 Twon Affidavit file Price       135 Lac

DHA Lahore (Rehbar phae 11) file price update 

5 Marla Allocation file phase 11 price 45.50 Lac

DHA Lahore phase 9 Prism plot File price update 

DHA Lahore phase 9 Prism (5 Marla) Allocation file pirce 47.50 Lac

5 Marla File Affidavit DHA Lahore phase 9 price price       confirmation at call

phase 9 Prism DHA Lahore 10 Marla Allocation file price 95 Lac

DHA Lahore phase 9 Prism (10 Marla) Affidavit file price    at call

DHA Lahore phase 9 prism (1 kanal) Allocation file pirce 160 Lac

Phase 10 DHA Lahore files price update ( future investment)

DHA Lahore phase 10 ( 5Marla) Affidavit File price  34.50 Lac

DHA Lahore phase 10 (5Marla) Allocation file price 33 Lac

DHA lahore phase 10 ( 8Malra) Affidavit file price  46.25 Lac

phase 10 DHA Lahore (10 Marla) Affidavit file price  58.50 Lac

Phase 10 DHA Lahore (10 Marla) Allocation file pirce 55.75 Lac

DHA Lahore phase 10 ( 1kanal) Affidavit file price 103 Lac

DHA Lahore phase 10 ( 1 kanal ) Allocation file price 94 Lac


DHA Quetta file price update

DHA Quetta 1 kanal Barcode file price  38 Lac

DHA Quetta 1 kanal Open Affidavit file price 38 lac

DHA Quetta 1 kanal 2nd Ballot Allocation 37.50 Lac

DHA Quetta unsuccessful Allocation  File price  47.50 Lac

DHA Quetta Sector Ballot file price   5050 Lac

Ravi Urban Development Authority (RUDA) Sapphire Bay zone3 files price update

Ruda Sapphire Bay Zone-3 (7 Marla) file price 17.75 Lac

Ruda Sapphire Bay Zone-3 (15 Marla) file pirce 37.50 Lac

Ruda sapphire Bay Zone-3 (1 kanal) file price   45 Lac

Murtaza Ramay 
New Lahore Properties

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