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DHA Lahore file Price update by NLRE date 13/6/2024


DHA Lahore phase 6 Affidavit ( 4 Marla) per Marla price 150 Lac
DHA Lahore phase 6 Affidavit ( 8 Marla ) Price 1250 Lac
DHA Lahore phase 6 Affidavit ( 12 Marla) Price 1700 Lac
DHA Lahore phase 6 Affidavit ( 32 Marla) price 50 Crore
Phase 7 DHA Lahore Sangatpure Affidavit ( 4 Marla) 170 Lac
Phase 7 DHA Lahore Sangatpure Allocation ( 4 Marla) 135 Lac
Phase 7 DHA Lahore Karbath ( 4 Marla) 000 Lac
Phase 9 prism Affidavit ( 4 Marla) 222 Lac
DHA Lahore phase 9 Town Affidavit ( 4 Marla) 240 Lac
DHA Lahore phase 9 Town Allocation ( 4 Marla) 230 Lac
phase 10 DHA Lahore Affidavit ( 4 Marla)(Balloting soon) 154 Lac

DHA Lahore phase 10 Residential file price Update ( Balloting soon phase 10) 13/6/2024

phase 10 Affidavit ( 5 Marla) price 30 Lac
phase 10 Allocation (5 Marla) price 29 Lac
phase 10 Affidavit (8 Marla) Price 44.50 Lac
Phase 10 Affidavit ( 10 Marla) Price 53 Lac
Phase 10 Allocation ( 10 Marla) Pricd 48 Lac
Phase 10 Affidavit ( 1 kanal) Price 98.75 Lac
phase 10 Allocation ( 1 Kanal ) Price 87 Lac

phase 10 Affidavit (2 kanal)     Price  225 Lac

Phase 9 Prism DHA Lahore Residential Files Price update

5 Marla Allocation file price phase 9 prism 39 Lac
10 Marla Allocation files price phase 9 prism 96 Lac
1 kanal Allocation File price phase 9 prism 139 Lac

4 Marla commercial Affidavit 223 Lac

4 Marla Commercial Allocation 210 Lac

DHA Lahore phase 9 Town File Price udpate
5 Marla Affidavit file 50 Lac
5 Marla Allocation file 50 Lac
10 Marla Affidavit File 123 Lac

4 Marla commercial 232 Lac

4 Marla Allocation  225 Lac

Lahore DHA phase 7 Residential Files Price update

Affidavit file 5 Marla price 36.50 Lac
Allocation file 5 Marla Price 33 Lac
Allocation file 7 Marla Price 49 Lac
Affidavit File 10 Marla Price 105 lac
Allocation file 1 kanal price 175 Lac

4 Marla Affidavit commercial 165 Lac

4 Marla Allocation commercial  `135 Lac

DHA Lahore phase 8 IVY Green

5 Marla Affidavit file 50 Lac

5 Marla Allocation file 48 Lac

DHA Lahore phase 13 ( DHA City) Residential files price update

5 Marla file price 20.15 Lac
10 Marla file price 31.25 Lac
1 kanal file Price 57.50 Lac

DHA Lahore phase 5 M Ext Residential files Price update
5 Marla file price 61 Lac
phase 5 file 10 Marla 135 Lac
1 kanal file price 205 Lac

DHA Gujranwala Residential Files Price update
DHA Gujranwala 5 Marla Allocation price 22.50 Lac
DHA Gujranwala 10 Marla Affidavit price 0.0 Lac
DHA Gujranwala 10 Marla Allocation price 37.50 Lac
DHA Gujranwala 1 kanal Affidavit price 00 lac
DHA Gujranwala 1 kanal Allocation price 63 Lac

DHA Bahawalpur Residentail Files Price update
10 Marla Affidavit file price 17.25 Lac
1 kanal Affidavit file price 26 Lac
1 kanal Allocation file price 26 Lac
Zee Sec 1 kanal Allocation price 27.75 Lac
zee Sec 1 kanal Affidavit Price 28Lac
4 Marla Commercial file Zee sec 60 Lac Affidavit
4 Marla Commercial file Zee sec 58 Lac Allocation

DHA Quetta Files Price update
DHA Quetta Bar code file price 1 kanal @ 32 Lac
file DHA Quetta 1 kanal 2nd ballot Allocation @ 31.25 Lac
Unsuccessful file DHA Quetta 1 kanal @ 34.5- Lac
Sector ballot file dha Quetta 1 kanal A6 @ 35 Lac

State Life Lahore phase 2 files Price 

7 Marla file price state life phase 2  Lahore     21.50 Lac

14 Marla file Price state Life phase 2 Lahore    37.50 Lac

Alkabir Orchared Project
3 Marla plot file Price 1275000 Booking 2 lac Monthely installment 10000
5 Marla Plot Files Price 1950000 Lac Booking 3 Lac Monthely installment 17000
DHA Lahore phase 10 Balloting soon

Murtaza Ramay


New Lahore Properties

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